The Drunken Odyssey with John King: A Podcast About the Writing Life

Episode 59 of The Drunken Odyssey, your favorite podcast about creative writing and literature, is here!

On this week’s show, I talk to the fiction writer Alissa Nutting,

Alissa Nutting cr Aaron Mayes

Plus Graham Liddell talks about reading What is the What.

Graham Liddell



Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls

What is the What


Margaret Atwood has penned a libretto about the life of Pauline Johnson, according to The Guardian.

Booksmatter has reposted Jonathan Lethem's essay "The Squandered Promise of Science Fiction."

Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_59.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 12:51am EST