The Drunken Odyssey with John King: A Podcast About the Writing Life

On this week’s show, I talk to Vanessa Blakeslee about what Aristotle's Poetics can teach us about fiction writing today,

Vanessa Blakeslee

Aristotle 3

Plus Kevin Bray writes about reading John Gardner's On Becoming a Novelist.

Kevin Bray



High Before Homeroom

The Roaring Girl

The Blind AssassinSuccess

On Becoming a Novelist


This new project--discussing relevant books about the craft of storytelling--is a continuation of a long defunct feature of the show. Two years ago, Jaroslav Kalfaƙ and I discussed Stephen King's On Writing on episode 6 and John Gardner's The Art of Fiction on episode 2.

Quoting George Orwell in an shockingly Orwellian way, Amazon has undertaken a weird counter-compaign to the Authors United movement, according to David Streitfield in The TimesCheck out the statement from Authors United that led to this counter-campaign.

Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_112.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 6:20pm EST