Fri, 29 April 2022
In this week’s show, I speak with the creative nonfiction writer Nita Noveno about the Peace Corps, having a writing community, the Kerouac House, gators, gators, and more gators, and bears, and all of Florida’s wild charms, including the people.
Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_521.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 8:46pm EST |
Sun, 24 April 2022
In this week’s show, I speak with Rachael Tillman about the poetry and practice of Anne Sexton. |
Sat, 16 April 2022
In this week’s show, I speak with the poet Marisa Siegel about the value of combining poetry with graphic art, language poetry, discovering poetry early in life, and the Mills College MFA Program in Oakland. |
Sat, 9 April 2022
In this week’s show, I speak with the poet Vidhu Aggarwal about humor in poetry, the physicality of laughter, symbology, physics and spirituality, The Mahabharata, Samuel Beckett, and Shakespeare.
Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_518.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 1:29pm EST |
Sat, 2 April 2022
In this week’s show, I speak with the poet Kimberly Ann Priest about purposeful ambiguity in poetry and the minor disturbing oddities in Hieronymus Bosch.