The Drunken Odyssey with John King: A Podcast About the Writing Life

In this week’s episode, I interview fiction writer and humorist Erik Deckers,

Erik Dekkers

plus Emma Atkinson reads her essay, "The Little Maybe."

Emma Atkinson


No Bullshit Social MediaBranding YourselfI Never Promised YouNOTES

Follow Erik's humor columns here, his professional blog here, or on twitter.

MSND NYCT 1Check out Chuck Cannini's review of New York Classical Theatre's A Midsummer Night's Dream.


Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_212.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 10:01pm EST

In this week’s episode, we have a roundtable discussion of Hunter S. Thompson.

The participants included Geoffe Benge, Frank Messina, Josh Dull, Shawn McKee,


HST Roundtable Fun
Geoff Benge, Frank Messina, Ashley Inguanta, Josh Dull, and Shawn McKee.


and Dianne Turgeon Richardson.

Dianne Turgeon Richardson HST Roundtable
Dianne pre-recording her bit. Notice the placement of tambourine.


HST Hells AngelsHST The Great Shark HuntHST Fear and Loathing 2The Curse of Lonohunter thompson better than sex

The Rum DiaryHey Rube



Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_211.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 1:02am EST

In this week’s episode, I interview fiction writer and philosopher Ron Cooper,

Ron Cooper

plus I chat with actor Jeremy Palko, who many of you might recognize as Andy from season 6 of The Walking Dead.

Jeremy Palko
Jeremy Palko is the more handsome fellow on the right.



Gospel Of The Twin

So Pretty

Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_210.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 10:57am EST

In this week’s episode, I share a recording of the latest live performance of The Drunken Odyssey All Stars, in The Ink Show.


This performance included your humble host,

John King

Teege Braune,

Teege Braune

Nicole Oquendo,

Nicole Oquendo James King
Nicole with the tattoo artist, James King.

Mistie Watkins,

Mistie Watkins

Adrian Alexander,

Adrian Alexander

Stephanie Rizzo,

Stephanie Rizzo

Tom Lucas,

Tom Lucas

and Amy Watkins.

Amy Watkins


Infinite thanks to Beyond Ink Tattoos in Winter Park.


Listen to the powerful surf rock of The Intoxicators.

The Intoxicators 2


Pen and Ink

Generation of Swine

Moby Dick


Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_209.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 11:14pm EST