The Drunken Odyssey with John King: A Podcast About the Writing Life

On this week’s show, I answer some mail with my friend, David James Poissant,

David James Poissant
Plus Clint Peters writes about how reading Montaigne changed his life.

Clint Peters


Check out David James Poissant's wonderful story collection, The Heaven of Animals.

The Heaven of Animals

According to NPR, Robert Hass has won the Wallace Stevens prize.

According to The Guardian, Doris Lessing willed 3,000 books to a library in Harare, Zimbabwe. Meanwhile, Florida Polytechnic is opening with a library that has zero print books (Guardian).

Also according to The Guardian, Martin Amis's controversial new book, Zone of Interest, is having some publishing difficulties.

I incorrectly called Bullets and Burgers a shooting range, when according to The Times, Burgers and Bullets is the name of the tour guide service that brings people to a shooting range about 25 miles outside of Vegas, in Arizona, where a nine year-old girl accidentally shot her shooting instructor with an Uzi after he set the gun to repeater action.

Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_115.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 1:56pm EST

On this week’s show, I talk to fiction writer and ghost writer extraordinaire, Maya Sloan.


Rich Kids of Instagram

High Before Homeroom


Learn more about the Kerouac House here.

Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_114.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 9:51am EST

On this week’s show, I talk to the poet Sarah Grieve,

Sarah Grieve

plus Rose Tran writes about what Sherman Alexie taught her about humor.

Rose Tran


Honey my Tongue

Dearest Creature


Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_113.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 1:23am EST

On this week’s show, I talk to Vanessa Blakeslee about what Aristotle's Poetics can teach us about fiction writing today,

Vanessa Blakeslee

Aristotle 3

Plus Kevin Bray writes about reading John Gardner's On Becoming a Novelist.

Kevin Bray



High Before Homeroom

The Roaring Girl

The Blind AssassinSuccess

On Becoming a Novelist


This new project--discussing relevant books about the craft of storytelling--is a continuation of a long defunct feature of the show. Two years ago, Jaroslav Kalfaƙ and I discussed Stephen King's On Writing on episode 6 and John Gardner's The Art of Fiction on episode 2.

Quoting George Orwell in an shockingly Orwellian way, Amazon has undertaken a weird counter-compaign to the Authors United movement, according to David Streitfield in The TimesCheck out the statement from Authors United that led to this counter-campaign.

Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_112.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 6:20pm EST

On this week’s show, I talk to the Trio Award-winner Iris Jamahl Dunkle,

Iris Jamahl Dunkle

plus Jeffrey Ethan Lee reads his essay, "The Poet's Mother's Deathbed Conversion" at Fergie's Pub in Philadelphia.

Jeffrey Lee

Books Discussed

Gold Passage

Jack London LoA NOTES

If in Philly, check out the Moonstone Poetry Series, at Fergie's Pub.

My friends Jared Silvia and Ryan Rivas are new hosting a new show, Functionally Literate Radio, on WPRK.

Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_111.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 1:46pm EST