Sat, 25 March 2023
Lydia Millet and David James Poissant discuss geography, birds, earnestness, the characterization of children, the structure of plot and novels, and other matters of interest. |
Sat, 30 July 2022
This week, I speak with Rachel Kolman about her immersion in creative non-fiction and her writing life after her UCF MFA. |
Sat, 9 July 2022
This week, I am happy to present a bootleg edition of the Loose Lips reading series, hosted by Dianne Turgeon Richardson and Tod Caviness, with readings by Rachel Kolman, Samantha Nickerson, moi, Holly Tavel, and Brian Crimmins. |
Sat, 4 June 2022
On #526 I talk to poet Rochelle Hurt about her latest book, The J Girls: A Reality Show. |
Sat, 9 October 2021
On this week’s show, Jeff Shuster and I discuss an quietly beautiful independent movie from 2005 called The Devil's Rejects. Jeff & I get off track a lot. |
Sat, 13 June 2020
In this week's show, I talk to novelist Ronan Ryan about the dramatic uses of gallows humor, how loss teaches us about our priorities, how elusive reality is, and how to match style to story. |
Sat, 26 August 2017
In this week’s episode, I talk with Vanessa Blakeslee about Rainer Maria Rilke's famous Letters to a Young Poet, plus we pay homage to Rilke's poetry with readings by Craig Moreau, Hyejung Kook, David Foley, Jason Morris, David Mcloughlin, and Amy Hosig. |
Fri, 26 August 2016
In this week’s episode, I share There Will Be Fan Fiction 2, a special edition of Jesse Bradley’s prose reading series, There Will Be Words.
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This installment features the fan fiction of Shauna Basques (Jason Todd-era Batman), J. Bradley himself (The Mighty Ducks/Fatal Attraction crossover, obviously), Brontë Bettencourt (Frozen), A. C. Warner (Star Trek: The Next Generation, as read by me), and me (Flash Gordon). NOTES Check out the first installment of There Will Be Fan Fiction, which featured Teege Braun writing Small Wonder, Jared Silvia writing King of the Hill, Stephanie Rizzo writing about a post-apocalyptic Lewis and Clarke, Genevieve Anna Tyrrell writing Dexter, and me, that is John King, writing a Benny Hill Show/Ace Frehley crossover that includes David Foster Wallace, Yoda, My Little Pony, and a hint of Cthulu. Check out Brontë Bettencourt's blog, 21st Century Brontë. |
Sun, 21 September 2014
Sat, 28 June 2014
On this week’s show, I talk to the poet and essayist Nicole Callihan, plus Maureen Vance writes about Jane Eyre. TEXTS DISCUSSED NOTES According to The Guardian, British publishers and the Society for Authors (a trade union for UK writers) are trying to push back against Amazon’s fierce demands for more power in the book industry. They liken Amazon's terms to a form of "assisted suicide." According to The Times, Barnes and Noble will spin off its Nook division as a separate company from its traditional bookseller endeavors. Carlton Melton's "Spiderwebs" accompanies Maureen Vance's "Jane and Me." This song is available on the album Always Even. The Tequila Worms have generously offered their album Cantina as a free download. |
Sat, 3 May 2014
On this week’s show, I talk to the fiction writer and historian of Florida attractions Lu Vickers, Plus Joe Marchia writes about Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood. NOTES Check Out our new videos:
Sheman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is given away to students in an Iowa district in which the novel is banned from schools. On May 13th, I will participate in The Best of There Will Be Words 2013 show. If you're in Orlando, join us. |
Sat, 19 April 2014
On this week’s show, I talk to fiction writer and one-time memoirist Rick Moody, Plus I share his prose reading "Metal," with music by One Ring Zero. TEXTS DISCUSSED Read Rick Moody's 14,000 word essay about David Bowie's The Next Day here. John Lee Hooker, putting The Rolling Stones and Eric Clapton, in their places, when he was 72 years old. This soundtrack with John Lee Hooker playing with Miles Davis is deliciously good. Check out Episode 39, with my first interview with Rick, here. NOTES R.I.P., Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Check out this indiegogo crowd-sourcing effort to bring St. Mark’s Bookshop to a new home in the East Village. |
Sat, 12 April 2014
On this week’s show, I talk to the poet Eleanor Lerman, Plus Alden Jones writes about her time working in Cuba. Check out episode 48 to hear Eleanor Lerman's essay about Leonard Cohen's Spice Box of Earth. NOTES Check out the indiegogo crowd-sourcing effort to bring St. Mark’s Bookshop to a new home in the East Village. Endorsed by this show and Anne Waldman. I recommend Orlando Shakespeare Theater’s production of Julius Caesar, playing until April 20th. Check out Beating Windward Press’s call for essays for its forthcoming essay collection, The Things They Did For Money: How Writers, Artists, and Creatives Support the Habit. |
Sat, 5 April 2014
On this week’s show, I talk to Bob Contant and Terry McCoy, the owners of St. Mark's Bookshop, Plus Dan Lauer writes about identity and New York City. NOTES Check out the indiegogo crowd-sourcing effort to bring St. Mark's Bookshop to a new home in the East Village. Endorsed by this show and Anne Waldman. I recommend Orlando Shakespeare Theater’s production of Julius Caesar, playing until April 20th. Check out Beating Windward Press’s call for essays for its forthcoming essay collection, The Things They Did For Money: How Writers, Artists, and Creatives Support the Habit. Episode 93 of The Drunken Odyssey, your favorite podcast about creative writing and literature is available on iTunes, or right click here to download. |
Sun, 23 March 2014
On this week’s show, I talk to fiction writer Laura Van Den Berg, Plus Will Dowd reads two poems. TEXTS DISCUSSED NOTES I recommend Orlando Shakespeare Theater's production of Julius Caesar, playing until April 20th. Check out Beating Windward Press's call for essays for its forthcoming essay collection, THE THINGS THEY DID FOR MONEY: HOW WRITERS, ARTISTS, AND CREATIVES SUPPORT THE HABIT. |
Sat, 8 March 2014
On this week’s episode of the world's greatest writing podcast, I talk to fiction writer John Henry Fleming, Plus James Sanders writes about reading The Autobiography of Malcom X. TEXTS DISCUSSED NOTES The VIDA count for 2013 is now available. Orlando now has a new independent bookshop: Bookmark It, at the East End Market in Winter Park (3201 Corrine Drive). Find Burrow Press’s releases here, & check out the discounted subscription rate. If you live in Orlando, do come to Vanessa’s book release party. |
Fri, 26 October 2012
On Episode 21 of The Drunken Odyssey, John discusses mid-century grandeur and men's magazines and burlesque with Jason Croft, aka Java, editor of Bachelor Pad Magazine, then Beverly Army Williams discusses John Irving's A Widow for One Year. |
Fri, 12 October 2012
On Episode 19 of The Drunken Odyssey, John speaks to fiction writer Don Peteroy, then K. C. Wilson discusses The Silmarillion, and John answers mail while listening to The Intoxicators. |
Fri, 28 September 2012
![]() On Episode 17 of The Drunken Odyssey, John speaks to the novelist and poet Chuck Wachtel (part 2 of a 2 part interview), speaks to Chris Booth about the New International Center, then Chad Lutz discusses Beowulf, and John answers mail. |
Sat, 22 September 2012
On Episode 16 of The Drunken Odyssey, John speaks to the novelist and poet Chuck Wachtel (part 1 of a 2 part interview), then Patrick Jehle discusses The Baseball Encyclopedia. |
Fri, 24 August 2012
On Episode 12 of The Drunken Odyssey, John talks to editor Jonathan Starke, plus Rusty Kjarvik discusses Nikos Kazantzakis, and John answers mail via a wormhole. |
Mon, 20 August 2012
On Episode 11 of The Drunken Odyssey, John talks to Mitchell S. Jackson, plus Robert Kingett discusses William Wordsworth, and John answers mail. |
Sat, 4 August 2012
![]() On Episode 7 of The Drunken Odyssey, John talks to Lisa Roney and Jaroslav Kalfař about films again), plus Krista Graham discusses Charles Dickens' David Copperfield, and John answers mail. |
Fri, 27 July 2012
On Episode 8 of The Drunken Odyssey, John talks to Ashley Ingaunta, plus Randall Burling discusses Roger Corman's Edgar Allen Poe films, and John answers mail. |
Fri, 20 July 2012
On Episode 7 of The Drunken Odyssey, John talks to Lisa Roney and Jaroslav Kalfař, plus Alise Hamilton discusses Francesca Lia Block's Dangerous Angels, and John answers mail. |
Fri, 13 July 2012
Episode 6 features an interview with Jaroslav Kalfař about Stephen King's On Writing, and Debbie Weaver discussing Cheryl Strayed's iWild, plus listener mail. |
Fri, 6 July 2012
On Episode 5 of The Drunken Odyssey, John talks to the poet Monica Wendel, author of the chapbook Call it a Window, plus Olivia Kate Cerrone discusses The Watcher in the Woods, and John answers mail. |
Tue, 19 June 2012
![]() Episode 2 features an interview with Jaroslav Kalfař about John Gardner's The Art of Fiction, a selection of readings from James Joyce's Ulysses, and Vanessa Blakeslee discussing Marguerite Duras's The Lover, plus listener mail. |
Sat, 9 June 2012
![]() Episode 1 features an interview with Nathan Holic and Ryan Rivas about 15 Views of Orlando, plus Olivia Kate Cerrone discusses Yann Martel’s Life of Pi.