The Drunken Odyssey with John King: A Podcast About the Writing Life

On this week’s program, I talk to the novelist Cheryl Della Pietra, an editorial assistant to Hunter S. Thompson in 1992, about the dynamics of working with him, the reality of the actual writer's life, the dangers of a legendary persona, Hunter's gift for meta-journalism, the challenges of fiction writing and negotiating a gonzo vision in the service of a non-gonzo narrative, and when to put your work in the drawer and move on.



Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_302.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 2:21am EST

In this week’s episode, I share a recording of Loose Lips, the monthly current events literary thing hosted by the inestimable Tod Caviness,

Loose Lips Tod Kat Parker Patrick Scott Barnes and Tod Caviness by Katherine J. Parker.

Teege Braune,

Loose Lips 2 by Patrick Scott Barnes Teege Braune by Patrick Scott Barnes.

Michael Cuglietta,

Loose Lips 3 by Patrick Scott Barnes Michael Cuglietta by Patrick Scott Barnes.

Leigh Fields,

Loose Lips 4 by Patrick Scott Barnes Leigh Fields by Patrick Scott Barnes.

Dianne Turgeon Richardson,

Loose Lips 5 by Patrick Scott Barnes Dianne Turgeon Richardson by Patrick Scott Barnes

and moi,

[caption id="attachment_22847" align="alignnone" width="720"]Loose Lips 6 by Patrick Scott Barnes Moi by Patrick Scott Barnes.Loose Lips Lil Indies L'il Indies by Katherine J. Parker.

Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_301.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 8:49pm EST

In this week’s episode, I talk with Vanessa Blakeslee about David Mamet's Three Uses of the Knife: On the Nature and Purpose of Drama. We manage not to kill one another.

John & Vanessa 3 Uses for the Knife


Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_300.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 1:37pm EST

On this week’s program, I talk to the novelist Laleh Khadivi about empathy, anticipating the future, the snarl of time management, challenging oneself as a writer as a form of motivation, the absolute transformation of characters, patriarchal similarities between Middle East and West, the mystical nature of surfing, the fraught possibilities of adolescence, religious fervor, the problematic role of country to identity, and modernity and the immigrant experience.

Laleh Khadivi




Check out the second installment of The Drunken Odyssey's Unauthorized Film Commentary Series:

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Direct download: The_Drunken_Odyssey_Episode_299.mp3
Category:Arts/Culture/Writing -- posted at: 7:48pm EST